Outdoor Adventures+

August 2024


Founded by Jonathon Flores, Outdoor Adventures+ aims to cut through systemic barriers to outdoor access by contributing to a more inclusive and supportive space for BiPOC individuals.

Team members include:

Samantha Blaustein - Outdoor Coordinator for Hiking, Yoga & Camping
Rudy Carrillo - Outdoor Coordinator for Backpacking
Denise Graves - Outdoor Coordinator for Trail Running, Camping & Kids Outdoor Programs
Monique Martinez - Outdoor Coordinator for Hiking & Trail Running


Image of at least 25 people outside during hiking activity.


What specific impact or change does your nonprofit aim to achieve?

We look to contribute to a more inclusive outdoor culture and challenge systemic barriers that have limited BIPoC access and participation in nature-based activities through:

  • Finding representation and visibility in outdoor spaces, challenging stereotypes and historical exclusions.

  • Building community through fostering belonging among BIPoC individuals who may have felt marginalized or unwelcome in traditional outdoor settings.

  • Empowering members by providing opportunities for leadership, skill development, and self-confidence in outdoor activities.

  • Providing education and awareness about environmental issues, outdoor safety, and cultural histories related to outdoor spaces.

  • Promoting advocacy and activism on environmental justice, access to public lands, and inclusion within outdoor recreation industries.

  • To facilitate a culturally affirming environment through outdoor activities for a better mental and physical well-being.

  • Hoping to inspire and create role models for future generations by demonstrating diverse possibilities in outdoor pursuits.

What inspired the founding of your nonprofit, and how has it evolved over time?

Outdoor Adventures+ was created as a means for a group of friends to enjoy the outdoors. As time has passed, we've grown and have become a group/resource for the community. Establishing ourselves to further educate not only ourselves, but the community to work together towards fostering a more diverse and inclusive outdoors.

Image of OA+ hikers taking picture at sunset and atop boulders.


Can you describe the mission of Outdoor Adventures+ and its primary goals within the outdoor or adventure community?

As a collective of BIPoC individuals, we're dedicated to fostering a community that celebrates our diverse identities and promotes unity through outdoor exploration and adventure. Our mission is to create a safe, inclusive space where BIPoC individuals can connect with nature, reclaim ancestral knowledge, and build resilience through outdoor activities. By organizing outings, workshops, and events, we aim to empower BIPoC communities to access and enjoy outdoor spaces, challenge stereotypes, and advocate for environmental justice. Together, we strive to cultivate a supportive network that inspires confidence, leadership, and environmental stewardship among BIPoC individuals.

OA+ community during hike posing for the camera while on flat, rocky surface.


How does OA+ collaborate with local communities and stakeholders in the areas where you operate?

Our group engages with local communities in several ways to effectively foster inclusion and participation. By actively engaging with the community through these strategies, it allows us to have meaningful intentional connections, promoting inclusivity, and empowering individuals to enjoy and appreciate outdoor environments.

What strategies do you use to foster a sense of community and belonging among your participants?

Community Outreach and Partnership: We initiate contact with local community organizations, leaders, and groups to build relationships and collaborate on outdoor activities. This could involve attending community events, meetings, or simply reaching out through phone calls or emails.

Offering Inclusive Programming: We aim to develop outdoor programs that cater to the interests and needs of our community members. This might include organizing hikes, nature walks, camping trips, or workshops on outdoor skills that are accessible and welcoming to everyone.

Education and Skill Building: Provide opportunities for community members to learn outdoor skills such as hiking, camping, navigation, or environmental stewardship. Offering workshops or training sessions can empower individuals to feel more comfortable and confident in outdoor settings.

Cultural Relevance and Sensitivity: Respecting and incorporating cultural perspectives and traditions into our outdoor activities. Acknowledging the diverse backgrounds within the community and ensuring that programming is culturally sensitive and inclusive.

Accessibility and Affordability: Everything we do comes at no cost to those who join us for any event. The reasoning for this is because we try to address barriers to participation such as financial constraints or lack of transportation by offering subsidized programs, organizing carpools, or providing gear-lending libraries.

Promotion and Communication: We also use diverse communication channels to reach out to community members, including social media, local newsletters, community bulletin boards, and word-of-mouth through community networks.

Volunteering and Community Service: Building a community locally in our respective cities where we live has always been the goal. Engaging the community members in volunteer opportunities that benefit local outdoor spaces, such as trail maintenance, park clean-ups, and hopefully soon in habitat restoration projects. To help us all foster a sense of ownership and stewardship among all participants.

Feedback and Continuous Improvement: We always seek feedback from the community, so we can assess their needs and preferences regarding outdoor activities. To use their input to continuously improve programming and ensure it remains relevant and inclusive.

Members of Outdoor Adventure+ community in front of a tree holding community flag, in addition to banner for "Running Locals." Trash bags in front of group following trash cleanup.


What role do partnerships play in supporting your nonprofit's initiatives?

Partnerships are instrumental in enhancing the capacity, visibility, and impact of our BIPoC outdoor group. Partnerships help to contribute to broader goals of inclusivity, advocacy, and community empowerment within the outdoor industry and beyond.

If someone wanted to volunteer with OA+ and help with its mission, how could they take first steps to do so?

The answer is in the question. All it takes is for a person to take the first steps at wanting to be a part of an ever growing community of outdoor enthusiasts, conservationists and stewards. Working towards building a more inclusive outdoors for everyone. [Just reach out in the contact info above!]

Founder Jonathon Flores with two others gesturing to the camera and in front of rocky structure.


What steps does Outdoor Activities+ take to promote sustainability and environmental stewardship within the outdoor activities you offer?  

By integrating strategies such as:

  • Leave No Trace principles

  • Supporting local and sustainable suppliers

  • Using eco-friendly gear and practices

  • Trail maintenance and restoration

  • Advocacy and awareness

In following these principles and values, you can promote a culture of sustainability and environmental stewardship among participants, which contributes to the conservation of natural landscapes for future generations to enjoy.

How do you educate people about Leave No Trace principles or other conservation practices?

For anyone who participates on a camping and or backpacking trip with us, we require two things from each individual, in order to participate:

1. Complete and show proof that they took the 45-minute Leave No Trace 101 Course.
2. Complete and show proof that they took the 20-minute Cal Fire: Prevent Wildfire Campfire Permit.

These are great methods to let people know that we are serious about nature's well-being, as well as theirs. I am also working on becoming a Leave No Trace instructor to be readily available to those who would like to host a LNT workshop to educate their community of people.
*You can find both of these links on our linktree.

Members of OA+ community holding their community flag and in front of a tree while on top of rocky surface.


How do you measure the impact of your programs and activities on the community and the environment?  

We start by clearly defining the objectives of our programs and what specific outcomes we aim to achieve. For example, community outcomes might include increased participation from BIPoC individuals in outdoor activities, improved community cohesion, or enhanced awareness of environmental issues. This also means assessing the environmental impact of our activities. This could involve monitoring factors such as waste generation, resource consumption (e.g., water, energy), habitat disturbance, or changes in biodiversity in areas where activities are conducted. By systematically measuring impact using these approaches, you can effectively assess the contributions of our outdoor programs and activities to both the community and the environment, and use these insights to inform future programming and improvements.

Community members holding their community banners/flags while atop hike with city and mountains in background.


What are your organization's goals for growth and development in the next 5-10 years?

Expanding impact within the outdoor or adventure community involves a strategic approach that focuses on outreach, education, collaboration, advocacy, and leadership development within the organization itself. These efforts contribute to a more sustainable and enjoyable outdoor experience for all.

How does OA+ envision expanding their impact within the outdoor or adventure community?

A. Offering outdoor programs for underprivileged youth. Tailoring our outdoor programs to positively impact their personal development, wellbeing, and future opportunities.

  • 1. Tailoring our programs to meet the needs and interests of underprivileged youth by offering a variety of activities such as: hiking, camping, rock climbing, kayaking, or environmental education. Designing activities that promote teamwork, leadership skills, self-confidence, and environmental stewardship.

  • 2. Ensuring that our programs are accessible to all participants, regardless of financial means or physical ability. Offer scholarships or financial assistance to cover program costs, provide transportation options if needed, and ensure that outdoor locations are safe and welcoming.

  • 3. Collaborate with local schools, community centers, youth organizations, and outdoor retailers to leverage resources, expertise, and facilities. Partnering with these organizations to help expand our reach, increase program sustainability, and provide additional support for participants.

  • 4. Training staff and volunteers in first aid, wilderness safety, and risk management protocols and conduct thorough safety assessments of outdoor sites and activities.

  • 5. Incorporate educational components into our programs to teach outdoor skills, environmental conservation principles, and the importance of sustainable practices. We hope to offer opportunities for participants to earn certifications or badges that recognize their achievements.

  • 6. Provide mentorship opportunities by pairing participants with adult mentors or volunteers who can offer guidance, encouragement, and positive role modeling. These efforts will allow us to foster a more supportive environment where participants feel valued and empowered to succeed.

  • 7. Work on creating pathways for long-term engagement by offering advanced programs, leadership opportunities, or alumni networks. Encouraging graduates of our programs to become mentors or ambassadors who can inspire and support new participants. We hope by doing so, that these outdoor programs can provide transformative experiences that promote personal development, foster a connection to nature, and expand access to outdoor recreation opportunities for all.

B. Starting an outdoor educational podcast to share knowledge, inspire listeners, and promote engagement with nature. These efforts will helps us connect with a global audience interested in exploring the great outdoors.

C. Partnering with local conservation organizations in our cities to amplify our impact, deepen our community connections, and contribute to the preservation and enjoyment of natural resources for current and future generations.

D. Creating a meaningful scholarship program that supports underprivileged youth in achieving their educational goals and making positive contributions to their communities and beyond.

Jonathon Flores and woman posing for camera during a hike, with mountainous landscape behind them.
Four OA+ members posing for the camera with marina and palm trees in the background.


Climbing For Change