Katharine Moustakes

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Left circular image of Katharine Moustakes within header image of trail. Name and title are on the right with brown background, and adventure discipline icons are below.


Katharine Moustakes | Personal Trainer + Running Coach


Katharine is a Personal Trainer, Running Coach, CEO, Dog Mom, and Adventurer who prefers her summit views with snacks. But, she wasn't always an adventurer or an athlete. In fact, she didn't explore the outdoors much while growing up in the midwest, nor played any sports. (She was actually a show choir kid instead.)

Katharine discovered running early on in college and quickly developed a poor relationship between fitness, fueling, and her body. During that time, she injured herself training for her first half marathon and shifted from running to cycling and resistance training. After going through bouts of disorderly eating and exercise, she healed and decided to change careers from an Event Coordinator to a Personal Trainer so she could help others build a healthy relationship with fitness.

Katharine worked at a commercial gym training people from the ages of 13-84 for a few years before moving to Colorado. She immediately fell in love with all things mountains and outdoors. Upon getting into the outdoor scene, she quickly realized there was a disconnect between those who enjoyed outdoor activities like running, hiking, cycling, skiing, etc. and resistance training. From that moment, she decided to shift her business to help recreational athletes add strength training to their regime to increase strength, endurance, and power, decrease risk of injury, and improve stability for the trails.

Katharine established her business in 2017 and has since helped hundreds of men and women increase their training consistency, build strength and endurance, and improve their quality of life. When she's not training clients, you can find her hangin' with her doggo, exploring the outdoors by foot, stargazing from her rooftop tent, picking up weight and setting it down, listening to an audiobook, or baking goodies.



How to work with Katharine


Katharine Moustakes is the owner of Kathletics. She is a Personal Trainer and Running Coach for hikers and trail runners. Throughout her 7+ years of professional experience and 11+ years of personal experience, she's always been about sustainable fitness. Katharine aims to provide training that meets individuals where they are, whether they are training for their first hike, 12th 10K, or for quality of life and longevity.

Logo for Kathletics with letters in dark green and circular yellow words saying strength and endurance.

1:1 Online Coaching

Take a comprehensive approach to strength, cardio, and performance training.


  • Membership to KATHLETICS app

  • Personalized strength + endurance programming based on your goals, training availability, and lifestyle including warm-ups, lifts, cardio, and cool downs

  • Demo videos with explanations for all exercises

  • Customized running coaching program from 5K-26.2M

  • Goal setting and accountability

  • Client-exclusive resources

  • Weekly check-ins and exercise form checks


Made for the trail runner or hiker who wants to hike or run further with less stops, feel stronger and faster on the trail, feel more stable on the descent, and carry a heavier pack with more ease.


  • Membership to KATHLETICS app

  • Three 45-minute lifting workouts

  • Five 20-90 minute cardio and endurance workouts

  • One weekly 90+ minute adventure

  • Gym and trail warm-ups & cool down ​

  • Demo videos with explanations for all exercises ​

  • Client-exclusive resources

Sustainably Fit:

Made for the individual who seeks structure and efficiency in training, wants to prioritize quality of life and longevity, and is involved with recreational sports, such as running, cycling, skiing, etc.


  • Membership to KATHLETICS app

  • Three 45-60 minute lifts

  • Three 20-60 minute cardio workouts

  • Warm-ups & cool down ​

  • Demo videos with explanations for all exercises ​

  • Client-exclusive resources


The words Adventure Interview on top of image with picture of colorado mountains in background and trail in foreground.

Do you have a bucket list of adventures? If so, what's at the top?

How many words can I fit in here? Haha. Truthfully, my Notes app has far too many adventures listed and the list keeps growing, but I plan to chip away at them. I'm having a hard time picking just one, but my current top two are climbing in Patagonia and snowboarding in Japan.

Katharine Moustakes taking selfie while trail running and holding trekking pole in left hand.

How do you prepare mentally and physically for your adventures?

Physically, I train 5-6x/week with a combination of strength training and cardiovascular training. I lift heavy about 3-4x/week and do cardio (usually run, hike, and/or do step ups) 3-4x/week. Occasionally, my cardio will switch out for other modalities like snowboarding, climbing, or biking, depending on the season and/or objective. Mentally, I push my limits while training, practice preparedness, and do self-reflection to improve my approach to challenges.

What sparked your love for adventure?

I was born and raised in Nebraska, so mountains weren't something I was super familiar with. When I was in college, I visited Colorado and went on my first hike. The hike was very challenging for a first-timer like myself, but I was immediately hooked! The crisp mountain air, the physical and mental challenge, and the views got a chokehold on me. Fortunately, five years later, I began calling Colorado home and went “all in” on hiking and outdoor adventures.

Katharine Moustakes top rope climbing outside.
Picture of Katharine Moustakes from the back. Sun is peaking above the ridge in the background as Katharine is dressed in cooler weather attire, has a running best on, and is on boulders.

What role does solo adventuring play in your life?

Solo adventuring is one of my favorite things! I enjoy adventuring with others, but I am more than willing to adventure alone. There are only so many opportunities to get out and play in the mountains, so I have to take advantage of it when I can!

What advice would you give to someone who wants to start embracing adventure in their life?

Start with microadventures! Adventures don't have to be massive objectives. An adventure could be going to a nearby lake with your dog, or going to a trail for a short hike. There are adventures all around us. Don't limit yourself by thinking an adventure is too big or too small. Go for it and enjoy the outdoors!

How do you handle fear or uncertainty during your adventures?

Since I often adventure solo, I find that I face fear more frequently. Regardless of preparedness and abilities, I think fear can linger around when it's a new trail, area, or experience. But, as I always say, "do it scared"!

Picture of Katharine Moustakes wearing cooler weather attire and smiling in front of lake with Maroon Bells in the background.

What motivates you to keep exploring and seeking new adventures?

The thrill! I absolutely love the way that nature and the outdoors make me feel. I'm always striving to push my limits so I can see and experience new sites. My favorite way to explore is by foot, so most of my weekends and travel is dedicated to adventuring and playing in mountains.

What role does nature play in your life?

Nature has a large impact on my life, both physically and mentally. I feel infinitely better after being in nature. It isn't therapy, but it is therapeutic to me.

There are adventures all around us. Don’t limit yourself by thinking an adventure is too big or too small.
— Katharine Moustakes
Katharine Moustakes on top of mountain or ridge with rocks afoot. She is dressed in cooler weather attire and has running vest on.

What's the longest journey or expedition you've ever undertaken?

Trail running the Grand Canyon Rim to Rim was my longest journey, yet. Although, my 50K later this year will be my longest trek.

What part of adventure is the most exciting for you, and why? (Planning stage, sitting around a campfire, the challenge, packing up, looking at pictures after, etc?)

I had to think about this question for a moment. As someone who was previously an Event Coordinator, I initially wanted to say the planning stage. I love the excitement and build up of the planning stage, but ultimately, the challenge is my favorite part. I love the process. It brings me so much joy to experience type-two fun!

Katharine Moustakes in front of alpine lake and rocky mountain behind her.
Katharine Moustakes with hair braided in pigtails and on hiking trail with backpack on.


Caitlin Holmes, MS, CNS


Maja Sowinska